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18 Benefits / Advantages of Playing Dots and Boxes (Understand Concepts,…)

Last Updated on January 25, 2024 by Gamesver Team and JC Franco

Are there any advantages attached to the dots and boxes game? Well, read on to find out. 

Yes, there are several benefits to playing dots and boxes. Some of the most important ones include; encouraging players to understand the importance of boundaries, throwing light on the concept of geometry as it relates to mathematics, and enlightening players on the concept of acquisition and ownership.

Here are 18 curated benefits and advantages of playing dots and boxes. 

1. It Helps Understand the Concept of Geometry

The game of dots and boxes involves linking four lines together to form a box. The player that draws the fourth line gets the point for that box. 

This relationship between these dots, lines, and boxes can be attributed to a segment in mathematics known as geometry. 

So, by playing this game, players can easily grasp certain geometrical concepts and the different shapes and spaces around them.

2. This Game Teaches the Importance of Boundaries

The ultimate goal is to cover a defined space. Covering this square space can only be achieved by realizing there are boundaries that limit the spatial areas. This game shows the importance of such boundaries, and they can help form something bigger and more meaningful.

3. It Helps to Understand How Ownership and Acquisition Work

The general idea of the game is to acquire as many boxes as you can because the number of boxes you acquire determines the points you get, and ultimately determines if you win or lose the game.

This teaches players always to try to get the most out of life as it is a good way to stay ahead.

4. Understanding the Logic Behind Mathematical Elements

Many students fail to understand mathematics and the equations behind them because they do not understand the logical interpretations behind these equations. 

The logic behind the game of dots and boxes is mathematical and linking these lines in a way that four of them cover a spatial area. If this were just written out as a geometric theory, it would have been harder to follow, but the game makes it a lot easier to understand, and we feel the same would be the case for other equations in mathematics. 

We think mathematical methods should adopt other practical means of understanding mathematical elements just as in the game; it would make solving mathematical problems easier.

5. It Helps Boost Spatial Skills

To play the dots and boxes game, you need to visualize your move before drawing any line, usually about two to three lines ahead. This move is what is called spatial reasoning. The more you do this, the sharper your spatial skill is enhanced.

Spatial skills are important because they support basic life activities like mentally visualizing before making a move.

6. Challenging the Thinking Capacity 

To get the most points, you have to claim the most boxes. Strategizing is therefore very critical. You learn how to claim more than one box at a time or avoid drawing a third line that could make your opponent draw the fourth and claim the box. 

As you can see, strategic thinking challenges your thinking capacity and helps you make better decisions.

7. It is a Great way to Pass Time

One great thing about this game is that gamers can play it anywhere. You do not need a special gadget to play this game; you are set as long as you have paper and a pen.

In a case where you and a buddy are bored, have a go at this game of dots and boxes.

8. It Encourages Social Interaction

The game of dots and boxes is a multiplayer game. It requires one or more opponents to draw lines and play against you. This relationship encourages social interactions between players.

9. A Great Way to Help Practice Penmanship

Drawing lines and connecting the dots on a single straight line might look easy for some, but it might be harder for others, especially children. The more you play, the more you can practice your penmanship until the connecting line gets straighter.

10. It Helps with Problem Solving Mechanics

Dots and boxes require looking for a way to counter an opponent’s moves that can prevent you from acquiring a box. Therefore, you must know how to develop solutions to problems. The game undoubtedly helps your brain think faster in cases where you might need to come up with solutions immediately.

11. The Goal of the Game is Simple

Unlike other more technical games requiring the player to go on to more difficult levels, the dots and boxes game is simpler. You need to draw a fourth line and gain points to win. There is no hidden agenda or next level.

12. The Game Has No Age Limit

As long as a child is old enough to understand how the game works, they can play it. Adults can also use dots and boxes to relax and exercise their brains. There are no age restrictions for the game of dots and boxes.

13. It Helps People Make Good Decisions

Since the game of dots and boxes involves thinking first before making any decisions, players are always on their toes. This subconsciously allows them to develop good decision-making skills without realizing it. 

Making decisions before drawing any line involves mentally envisioning these moves before you make them; this helps you strengthen your mental abilities.

14. The Chance to Understand People

While playing dots and boxes, you have to wait for your opponent to make their move before you can make yours. You understand people better and get to see why they take decisions that favor them in various situations.

15. It Helps to Understand the Importance of Connections

Playing dots and boxes is not just about drawing lines anywhere; these lines must connect. This game serves as a pictorial representation of how these connections are formed. In life, connections are often needed to make a piece become whole. It helps us understand that success is a collective effort.

16. This Game Teaches People Ways to Improve Creative Thinking

Dots and boxes is a great game, especially for creatives. Some of the formed patterns stick with the players, especially if they are kids. With these patterns, they can develop something beautiful outside the game. These patterns also help them manage their creative process.

17. It Helps Organize Thought Processes

Thinking is a must in a game of dots and boxes, but the player can lose the game if these thoughts are not properly coordinated. Once the player can understand this, they can manage their thought process, which proves advantageous in the long run.

18. It Encourages Learning Through Repetition 

One of the best ways to learn is by practicing repeatedly, and the game of dots and boxes, because it does not have an impossible level to pass, can be played continuously until the players get tired. This repetition encourages learning abilities, especially in children.

How to Play the Game: Dots and Boxes

For a player to get the most advantage from the game, they must have a basic idea of how to play the game

To play dots and boxes, there have to be at least two competing players. The game starts when a player draws a horizontal or vertical line between two dots. The dots can be connected by a 2 x 2 grid or a 3 x 3 grid (or larger), the player that draws the fourth line of a 1 x 1 grid gets the point. 

The players take turns to draw a line, except if it is the fourth line; in this case, the player is allowed another turn.

The game ends when all the lines have been drawn and there are no more dots to be connected. The player with the highest number of boxes wins the game.

Last Word

The game of Dots and boxes is beneficial in boosting mathematical skills. It also helps with personal development and growth. So, don’t hesitate to have a go at it every once in a while.

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This article was co-authored by our team of in-house and freelance writers, and reviewed by our editors, who enjoy sharing their knowledge about their favorite games with others!

JC Franco
Editor | + posts

JC Franco serves as a New York-based editor for Gamesver. His interest for board games centers around chess, a pursuit he began in elementary school at the age of 9. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Mercyhurst University, JC brings a blend of business acumen and creative insight to his role. Beyond his editorial endeavors, he is a certified USPTA professional, imparting his knowledge in tennis to enthusiasts across the New York City Metropolitan area.