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16 Benefits and Advantages of Playing Tic-Tac-Toe (Importance…)

Last Updated on January 25, 2024 by Gamesver Team and JC Franco

hand drawing a game of tic tac toe with colored crayons

Who knew that playing a simple game of Tic-Tac-Toe could present both adults and kids with a plethora of benefits and advantages? If you didn’t (or don’t), now is the time to change your thinking about the game. As it turns out, Tic-Tac-Toe is not just a fun game, but a fun game that can teach many things to people of all ages.

As you’ll see, playing Tic-Tac-Toe is highly beneficial to most people. It doesn’t matter how old you are or who you are playing against; you can reap the rewards of Tic-Tac-Toe. If you would like to delve into how the game can offer benefits and advantages, read on below.

Tic-Tac-Toe: 16 benefits and advantages:

1. Teaches strategy skills.

Playing Tic-Tac-Toe may seem like a game of chance at first, but after playing a few rounds, players usually notice that there’s a certain strategy and pattern of movements that can end up in a win. Because of this, it teaches players (both young and old) to start thinking strategically, which can be highly beneficial in other areas of life too. 

2. Develops logical thinking.

There’s a great deal of logic that can be applied to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe. Simple moves that are quite logical are the ones that result in a win. This can help people to start thinking about things differently; from a more logical point of view. 

3. Improves the ability to concentrate and focus. 

To win at a game of Tic-Tac-Toe, players need to focus or concentrate for a few moments at a time. This practice at focus and concentration can help to develop these skills. This is a great skill to have in all areas of life. 

4. Teaches good sportsmanship.

Both kids and adults can benefit from learning how to be graceful when winning and losing. This is called good sportsmanship. Players of Tic-Tac-Toe must be able to handle themselves whether they win or lose. It’s a great lesson to learn from the game

5. Sets the foundation for learning more complex games. 

When kids are developing, they need to be introduced to games in stages, based on complexity. Because Tic-Tac-Toe is a simple game, it is a great foundation game to learn before moving on to more complex and challenging games. Tic-Tac-Toe can teach all of the basics of playing a game, such as following the rules, thinking about the gameplay, watching what opponents are doing, and so on. 

6. Provides a simple and fun way for the family to bond. 

Families that want to bond and spend quality time together often find great value in having regular game nights. If you want to play a game that the youngest and oldest can both enjoy, opt for something like a Tic-Tac-Toe tournament. This game is fun, easy, and a great way to bond as a group or family. 

7. Develops problem-solving skills.

Winning at Tic-Tac-Toe requires problem-solving. A player must solve the problem of where to put their mark to avoid losing. If you are trying to incorporate some mental stimulation in an older adult’s life or introduce basic problem-solving skills to young children, playing Tic-Tac-Toe is a great option. 

8. Teaches patience (and turn-taking).

Teaching patience to children can be a really challenging task. Helping young children learn to wait for their turn is something that you can use to teach patience. Tic-Tac-Toe is a game that focuses on each player taking a turn. 

Young girl and boy peeking over counter at row of cupcakes

9. Spurs on the development of fine motor skills and coordination.

In order to play the game, children must learn to hold a pencil and draw their marks on the block. This takes coordination and fine motor skills. With every game of Tic-Tac-Toe played, children are learning to control and use these skills with greater precision. 

The more you play with children in the development phase of their lives, the more you can expect their fine motor skills and coordination to develop. 

10. Teaches the importance of rules.

Rules are important in life as well as in games. In fact, you can teach children that it is unacceptable to break the rules by playing games with them. If a child breaks a rule in the middle of a Tic-Tac-Toe game, they will be disqualified and lose the game. The more a child is rewarded by following the rules, the deeper the message will sink in. 

11. Helps to deal with cognitive decline.

While playing a game cannot stop cognitive decline, it can help deal with the symptoms. It is vital for older adults to keep their minds busy. A regular brain workout is important to ensure that their mental capacity does not deteriorate. 

Playing Tic-Tac-Toe (and more challenging versions) is a great way to keep the brain busy and working. The more you work out your brain, the better it is for your mental health!

12. Helps to reduce stress.

Stress is a killer. It plagues the lives of both adults and children. While stress often cannot be avoided, you can do a few things to mitigate the negative impact of stress. For starters, socializing and playing games are great stress relievers. 

While you are having fun, relaxing, laughing, and not focusing on other worries, your stress levels are depleting. Because it’s so easy to play, a Tic-Tac-Toe competition can be a great way to cope with stress. 

13. Builds self-confidence in young children and old adults.

If you have a young child or much older adult struggling with confidence, playing games can really help. Having fun and actually winning a few rounds can really boost self-confidence. Tic-Tac-Toe is an easy to learn and-play game that can help boost self-confidence quickly. 

14. Increases immune system response (playing games with others).

It is a proven fact that socializing with others can increase immune system response. Humans are social creatures, and when socializing while playing games, people tend to have much stronger (and more reliable) immune systems. 

15. A good form of mental stimulation for young kids and old adults.

Grandparents with little girl using digital tablet

Mental stimulation is essential for everyone’s health. The more you stimulate your mind with exercises, puzzles, games, and social encounters, the healthier your mind will be. Now more than ever, mental health is in the spotlight. Do the right thing for your brain and give it a workout with Tic-Tac-Toe. 

16. Gets everyone away from their devices and screens.

Something that parents worldwide struggle with is separating their children from screens and devices. It’s become the norm for children to spend their days glued to screens. Of course, this isn’t entirely healthy, and it can start cutting into your quality time with your family.

If you want to reduce screen time and spend more time together as a family, playing Tic-Tac-Toe is a great option. Because the games are quick to get through, it means that each family member can play a few rounds without it seeming like a game that’s dragging on for hours. 

All things considered

Not many people give much thought to the possible advantages and benefits of playing a game. If you are considering which games are best in terms of benefits, Tic-Tac-Toe should feature on your list. 

The game is simple, yes, but it still can provide a good mental workout, and it’s absolutely fun to play too. Whether you are playing against your brother, sister, mom, or grandparent, you are bound to have a great deal of fun and reap the rewards as mentioned above.

At first thought, you would probably hesitate to believe that a simple game of Tic-Tac-Toe could be so beneficial. If you still aren’t sure, perhaps you should start playing the game and see for yourself. You could be (in fact, you will be) pleasantly surprised. 

There’s only one thing left to say: good luck!

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This article was co-authored by our team of in-house and freelance writers, and reviewed by our editors, who enjoy sharing their knowledge about their favorite games with others!

JC Franco
Editor |  + posts

JC Franco serves as a New York-based editor for Gamesver. His interest for board games centers around chess, a pursuit he began in elementary school at the age of 9. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Mercyhurst University, JC brings a blend of business acumen and creative insight to his role. Beyond his editorial endeavors, he is a certified USPTA professional, imparting his knowledge in tennis to enthusiasts across the New York City Metropolitan area.